Chlorokarst Project – Assessing contaminated sites in karst – Project mentioned in the OFEV Environnement magazine n°4 2015

The "Environnement" magazine of the OFEV mentions the Chlorokarst project in late 2015. Progress of the project and first results obtained with passive samplers were presented by eOde and MFR on November 26 2015, at the 8th Chloronet day, in Soleure. More details on Chlorokarst here.

2016-03-21T16:46:19+01:00December 10th, 2015|Contaminated sites, Events, Home, News|0 Comments

eOde-Geovariances seminar on October 27, 2015 at the University of Neuchâtel

The 7th edition of the eOde-Geovariances seminar (2nd swiss edition) will be held at the University of Neuchâtel. This one day course is designed for professionals aiming at best knowing the possibilities brought by geostatistics to characterize contaminated sites and soils. It can be integrated in the preparation of the CAS [...]

2016-10-31T09:35:57+01:00October 6th, 2015|Events, Geostatistics, Home, News, Training|0 Comments

Aquaconsoil pre-course, on June 8, 2015 in Copenhagen

"An overview of geostatistics for contaminated site characterization". 23 persons took part to this event organized both by eOde and Geovariances in the margin of the Aquaconsoil conference.

4th french exchange days on June 18 and 19, 2015 in Geneva

The 4th french exchange days on contaminated sites and soils were held on June 18 and 19, 2015 in Geneva. This event was organized both by the GESDEC, the L'Ucie association and the OFEV. Hélène Demougeot-Renard was invited to speak on the topic "Site contaminated with chlorinated hydrocarbons - Assessing the potential of natural biodegradation [...]

2015-10-13T10:36:31+01:00January 25th, 2015|Contaminated sites, News|0 Comments
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