Record study – Feedback on estimation methods for assessing the quantities of contaminated soils – Oral presentations at the Record day, September 29 2016 in Paris and at the Pollutec exhibition, December 1 2016 in Lyon

eOde perfomed in 2015 a study for the RECORD association in partnership with Geovariances. It consisted of comparing the volumes of soil estimated at the end of the investigation stage, to the really excavated polluted volumes recorded at the end of a cleanup process, for 23 real case studies. The purpose was to identify the [...]

2017-01-16T11:46:09+01:00August 23rd, 2016|Events, Geostatistics, Home, News|0 Comments

eOde is active at the Eurokarst 2016 conference (RTS 1 television programme dedicated to Chlorokarst)

eOde participes in Eurokarst 2016, the european conference on karst organized by the University of   Neuchâtel, with: September 4th - Field metrology workshop Presentation of the possibilities brought by the integrative passive samplers to detect contaminants in karst media September 7th - Oral Presentation Integrative passive samplers to detect chlorinated hydrocarbons contamination in [...]

What is QGIS and why get trained?

What is QGIS? Launched in 2002, QGIS is a free and open source Geographic Information System, licensed under the GNU General Public License. It is widely recognised for its intuitive interface, the numerous formats it supports, and the wide access it provides to functionalities of other open source software (e.g., GRASS, SAGA, PostgreSQL). QGIS runs [...]

2016-10-31T09:35:57+01:00May 6th, 2016|News|0 Comments

QGIS: A Practical Introductory Course (1 day), 30 August & 13 September 2016, Neuchâtel

This training course is designed for environmental professionals and users of geographic data who wish to get started with QGIS, a leader among open source Geographic Information Systems (GIS). More about QGIS […]

Cartorisk project – Geostatistical mapping of human health risk for brownfields in redevelopment – Introduction at the Intersol conference in Lille, March 16 2016

The Cartorisk project aims at developing a methodology for geostatistical mapping of human health risk, for brownfields in redevelopment. The project is funded by the ADEME and performed by eOde, Geovariances, Burgeap and Element-Terre. Purposes and working plan of the project were presented by eOde on March 16, 2016, at the 2016 Intersol conference in [...]

2016-10-31T09:35:57+01:00March 18th, 2016|Events, Geostatistics, Home, News|0 Comments
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