Technical Day ADEME – RECORD in Paris, 23 January 2019 on geostatistics applied to polluted sites

eOde is involved in preparing the full-day program and will introduce this Technical Day with Nicolas Jeannée. eOde was also involved in the writing of the Research ADEME newsletter (n°25 December 2018) dedicated to geostatistics applied to polluted soils.

2018-12-13T14:11:16+01:00December 11th, 2018|Home, News, Events, Geostatistics|0 Comments

Short course in Copenhague, 3 September 2018 in the context of the NORDROCS conference on contaminated sites

On September 3 2018, eOde organised an introductive short course on geostatistics applied to contaminated sites with the companies DMR and Geovariances, in the context of the nordic meeting on contaminated sites NORDROCS. Around 30 persons involved in the management and remediation of contaminated sites in Danemark, Norway, Sweden and Finland attended the seminar. [...]

2018-12-11T18:48:13+01:00September 3rd, 2018|Events, Geostatistics, Home, News, Training|0 Comments

Involvement of Sonia Tarnawski in carrying out anaerobic biolodegradation tests on a site contaminated with chorinated hydrocarbons

From July to September 2018,  the freelance consultant expert in environmental microbiology Sonia Tarnawski, made assays for eOde to assess the potential of biodegradation of chlorinated compounds in a contaminated site, at the in situ remediation pilot scaling stage. Various substrates were tested on groundwater and solid matrix samples from the  chloroethene-contaminated site, to [...]

Radon and indoor air quality measurements : eOde is implied in the JURAD-BAT Interreg project

eOde is implied in the european JURAD-BAT Interreg  project, in collaboration with the HEIA-Fribourg (TRANSFORM institute), on behalf of the Federal office of public health (Radioprotection section). Started in 2016, this french-swiss project  aims at better managing the risk of radon and indoor air quality in the new buildings and during energy retrofits. In this [...]

End of the CHLOROKARST project with the Conference “Polluted sites on karst aquifers” in Neuchâtel, 28 June 2018, and the publication of 2 documents by the FOEN

The CHLOROKARST project comes to an end with the Conference "Polluted sites on karst aquifers" organised by the CHYN for the FOEN on 28 June, and the publication by the FOEN of the guide "Assessment of polluted sites in karst environment", as well as the expert report "Investigation tools for polluted sites in karst [...]

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