Aquaconsoil pre-course, on June 8, 2015 in Copenhagen
"An overview of geostatistics for contaminated site characterization". 23 persons took part to this event organized both by eOde and Geovariances in the margin of the Aquaconsoil conference.
"An overview of geostatistics for contaminated site characterization". 23 persons took part to this event organized both by eOde and Geovariances in the margin of the Aquaconsoil conference.
Participation à la conférence Intersol sur les techniques de dépollution in situ.
Participation to the Chloroforum workshop on the criteria for stopping a cleanup process, in the framework of the Chloronet project.
Organization of a 1 day seminar in geostatistics for contaminated sites and soils, in partnership with the Geovariances firm, on February 3, 2015 in Paris. For different french stakeholders of polluted sites.
The 4th french exchange days on contaminated sites and soils were held on June 18 and 19, 2015 in Geneva. This event was organized both by the GESDEC, the L'Ucie association and the OFEV. Hélène Demougeot-Renard was invited to speak on the topic "Site contaminated with chlorinated hydrocarbons - Assessing the potential of natural biodegradation [...]
Use of the Oreos software (c) Burgeap for a feasibility study of biostimulation (chlorinated hydrocarbons contamination). Assessment of the biodegradation activity using molecular biology techniques (DNA/RNA quantification ) from the Enoveo laboratory.
eOde is mentioned in the news of Environmental Expert.
The study "Critical feedback about the use of geostatistical methods..." conducted for the RECORD association by eOde in partnership with the Geovariances and Antea Group firms is mentioned in La Recherche (November 2014, N°493, Cahier spécial Sites et sols pollués, p.111). Full study report can be downloaded from the RECORD website.
Hélène Demougeot-Renard founded and directed a continuing education course in contaminated sites management in Switzerland from 2002 to 2010, at the Centre d'hydrogéologie et de géologie of the University of Neuchâtel. Since 2011, Hélène is a regular speaker of the CAS en gestion des sites pollués on the topics of detailed investigation, sampling strategy and [...]